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Loudoun Education Alliance for Families

As the primary provider of education in Loudoun County, LCPS seeks to connect and engage with parents outside of their individual student’s experience. The School Board seeks to ensure parental concerns are heard and considered as a regular part of policy making. Community feedback helps to ensure decision-making, and actions taken by the Board are in the best interests of our students and the community.
The Loudoun Education Alliance of Families (LEAF) is an advisory group voice for parents to elevate educational concerns and provide feedback to the board on current or proposed policies or issues facing the School Board.

Minority Student Achievement Advisory Committee

 The Minority Student Achievement Advisory Committee (MSAAC) is dedicated to partnering with Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS), parents, and the community to acknowledge and promote the needs of minority students. MSAAC is also dedicated to building a school system that is culturally and socially competent and positioned to provide fair and equitable learning experiences for all students.  

Special Education Advisory Committee

The Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) works with the School Board, Administrators, Parents, and Teachers who are responsible for students receiving special education services. SEAC advises the School Board on the needs of special education students and examines issues of relevance to the special education community.

Free Mental Health Resources offers courses, therapists, and parent coaching to help parents navigate the many challenges we face when it comes to raising our teens.

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